The tool and applications listed below help run websites, power analytics, and cluster administration. The tools and applications are written in C, C++ and Java.
An URI-based template engine which uses embedded tags in a functional approach.
A webserver with a choice of search engine backends; which can be used as a desktop search engine.
DigCache©® is our search appliance and object caching server. It uses Memcached for K/V storage plus persistence and full-text search features.
A semantic search engine toolkit. It is used to build semantic indexers, and other NLP applications.
A compact httpd server with basic features such as FCGI; and, others such as bandwidth throttling.
A NAS version of Breeze::OS aka NasBreeze©®, with security framework based on SMACK or Capsicum.
A framework capturing the concept of clubs, parlors, and members used for a turn-key ecommerce website.
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